welcome to my journal

Hi friend! My name is Jessica, I am a newborn and family photographer based in Washington Dc. I find it an absolute honor to photograph you with your little ones. I adore baby toes and that unforgettable newborn smell. 

I met Sarah and her girls on a warm, summer evening at the National Cathedral. We walked through the Bishop’s Garden and it was simply delightful. The girlies looked at flowers and even got to chase a bunny. I loved how casual it felt and how much fun the girls had even while taking photos. […]


August 10, 2020

Mother and Daughter Session at the National Cathedral |Washington, DC

I have known Sylvia for several months now. We met through a local church that hosts art classes every Monday morning. She is so soft-spoken, gentle and kind with her daughters. I knew I wanted to feature her for a Motherhood session! I asked her last minute and in two days we mad it happen. […]

Stories of Motherhood

June 1, 2017

Sylvia- Story of Motherhood | Washington, Dc

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