welcome to my journal

Hi friend! My name is Jessica, I am a newborn and family photographer based in Washington Dc. I find it an absolute honor to photograph you with your little ones. I adore baby toes and that unforgettable newborn smell. 

I had hopes of a natural birth with my son but after 4 days of trying to induce and never getting past 5 centimeters we chose to have a cesarean birth. Even if your brith plan didn’t go as hoped, know that a cesarean birth is still a birth. It’s just as beautiful and your […]

Newborn, Personal

July 1, 2024

Recovery After a C-section Birth

Hey everyone! It’s no secret I adore the fall season and let me just say…it’s an even more delightful while I’m pregnant. The summer heat took all my energy this year but I’ve felt a new surge as I entered my third trimester this September. Another favorite thing about the fall is all the holiday […]

Personal, Places to visit in and near DC

September 22, 2023

Fall Favorites 2023

Both of us holding our miracles. We’ve dreamt for years of being mothers together. So far our journeys to motherhood look vastly different than we imagined. Both have been harder and yet more beautiful.  I’m grateful I get to follow her example and we can watch little cousins grow up together.


July 28, 2023

Her Baby and My Bump

We are overjoyed to share we are expecting a baby this December. We feel so humbled to carry this incredible gift and pray everyday for a safe arrival and wisdom. Lot’s more details coming soon but until then…rejoice with us. “The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. […]

Infertility Journey, Personal, Uncategorized

May 31, 2023

Our Little Miracle

Two weeks ago my twin sister -Jolene- packed up her three children and drove all the way to DC from West Virginia. I was missing her children in the worst way-there is something about a twin’s children that feel just a bit like your own. It was the best gift -to just spend two days […]


March 20, 2023

A Weekend Visit with my Twin

As I was pondering my lift this morning I was overwhelmed with gratitude. I have family, friends and neighbors who pour into my life everyday. I own a business I love and am supported by a wonderful church family. There are aspects of life I wish were different but they pale in comparison to the […]

Personal, Photography Business

October 19, 2022

Celebrating 36 years today.

Time… It’s too fast. I’m 35 and we still haven’t started a family. Each birthday is a blessing but a reminder that we are a year older. Another year without YOU. It’s too slow. WE files another piece of paperwork and still wait. I told my friends I wanted to capture what a “paper pregnancy” […]

Adoption, Personal

October 5, 2022

Time and Our Adoption Journey

A dear client sent me this photo from her session and it made me sob. The wait for our adoption has felt endless this week. To be honest, having no timeframe for a person who loves to plan feels grueling. But when I saw this moment captured it affirmed to me that my job matters. […]

Personal, Photography Business

June 29, 2022

When I Forget my “Why”

I have always been fascinated by families. Where you grew up and with who forms and shapes us in so many different dynamics. It’s beautiful really, that the humans around us make us into who we are as adults. I grew up surrounded by sisters living on a dairy farm. We would disappear for hours […]


June 6, 2022

A Family Wedding | Personal Post

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