Hi friend! My name is Jessica, I am a family and portrait photographer based in Washington Dc. I am a Christian, wife, and identical twin. I love lilacs, candles, rainy days and honesty. I love finding joy in simple things.
What do you do when you start a newborn session and the baby is very discontent? This happens many times even after the parents assure me that they just changed and fed their newborn. Newborns are hyper aware of their surroundings and I am most times the first person they encounter outside their family. I smell different and sound strange to them. Many times they will want to feed just for comfort and I always encourage extra feedings if they seem restless.
Little Michael started out upset but after a second feeding he was amazing! He slept through the rest of his session and I don’t thing I ever met such a smiley baby. Also, how adorable is his Peter Rabbit blanket? Enjoy his at-home newborn session with his parents.
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