Hi friend! My name is Jessica, I am a family and portrait photographer based in Washington Dc. I am a Christian, wife, and identical twin. I love lilacs, candles, rainy days and honesty. I love finding joy in simple things.
I met the Wadel family at Norlo Park in Chambersburg when I was visiting my family in Pennsylvania. It was the perfect sunny evening. The light filters through a willow tree just perfectly. Willow and Crepe Myrtle trees are my favorite to photograph. They add dimension but also allow the light to fall through them so it doesn’t create too dense of a background.
The children did so well. So well in fact, I text Janee as I left the park that they all deserved ice cream. She laughed as said they were heading to the local ice cream shop, Windy Knoll. I think it should become a family tradition…ice cream after a family photo session.
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