Hi friend! My name is Jessica, I am a family and portrait photographer based in Washington Dc. I am a Christian, wife, and identical twin. I love lilacs, candles, rainy days and honesty. I love finding joy in simple things.
Last year I planned my first ever ladies event. It was something I had dreamt about for years. It was directed to ladies who struggle with infertility as a way to encourage, give insight and help them not to feel so alone. My goal was for woman to gather in a beautiful place to share their stories in a safe environment. While many of our stories have loss and pain, I wanted to also show and talk about the grace and hope we have been shown over the years.
Because of the good response, I recently decided to host my second event. There is so much work and faith that goes into the logistics of the day. I have noticed that when I do decide to move forward with our plans, I go through a time of feeling loss very deeply for awhile. It takes a lot of trust to pay the cost of the venue when not one person has signed up. I have found though, that when I do step out in faith, God shows up in amazing ways. Several ladies signed up before I even announced the date and location, and now we are already half way booked.
In case you, or a dear friend, would like to attend this event; I will share the details below. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about the event. It is for woman who have lost babies in the past, walked through miscarriage, in the middle of adoption, or struggled with infertility. It will be a day of encouragement, community building, and helpful tools to help you in the process.
Date: Saturday-August 3, 2019
Location: Hingework, Lancaster City PA
Time: 9am -5pm
Admission: $100 -this includes breakfast, lunch, and snacks
Email: hellojessicaburdge@gmail.com
Also, last year several woman helped out in different ways for the day. If you wanted to help in any way, contact Jessica to see where you can give. Even committing to prayer is a beautiful way for woman to support the ladies who attend.
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