Hi friend! My name is Jessica, I am a family and portrait photographer based in Washington Dc. I am a Christian, wife, and identical twin. I love lilacs, candles, rainy days and honesty. I love finding joy in simple things.
I don’t know how many times I tell my friends “You are enough.” It doesn’t matter to me if the laundry isn’t finished when I come over or if there are dishes in the sink. (To be honest, it makes me feel more at home) But so many times what I say and believe in others; I somehow don’t believe myself. Two weeks ago I was so sick. I kept going, but after two weeks of being miserable, working 60 hours a week, and shooting a wedding solo; I was exhausted. I had two services the next day to help with at church and I wasn’t sure how I would get through. Then I got a text from a friend: “I hope you can rest and not feel guilty to do so. God didn’t create woman to be super girls that can pedal eternally without crashing!” I burst into tears. That’s exactly how I felt. Like I was on a bike pedaling as fast as I could without an end in sight. And the only one to blame was myself. It was exactly what I needed to hear! Gentle, yet firm affirmation from a friend, when I seem to think I can “do it all.” So many things can overwhelm us and in turn steal our joy. So today if you are overwhelmed or burnt out: take a deep breath, say a prayer, and claim back the joy that keeps us all going.
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