Hi friend! My name is Jessica, I am a family and portrait photographer based in Washington Dc. I am a Christian, wife, and identical twin. I love lilacs, candles, rainy days and honesty. I love finding joy in simple things.
Meet Salt and Pepper.
The newest “hatched” family members. The delights of country life.
This is my favorite! -the chidlike-wonder, chubby fingers, and baby chick
watch all the business going on behind the scenes 🙂
these two little girls keep my sister busySalt has made her escape but Pepper got a tad too close.
Meet Captain Feathers
These two siblings don’t always play nicely.
If the play gets too rowdy, Teresa can handle Captain Feathers.
the whole family
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soft . organic . soulfull
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©2020 Jessica burdge photography
site design by jen gen creative co
powered by showit