welcome to my journal

Hi friend! My name is Jessica, I am a newborn and family photographer based in Washington Dc. I find it an absolute honor to photograph you with your little ones. I adore baby toes and that unforgettable newborn smell. 

The morning of this sweet family’s session was very windy. I walked around the Smithsonian Gardens to try to find a spot that was more protected. Once of my favorite locations -that many people walk by without noticing- is to the right of the Castle. It’s tucked away with a fountain and lots of gardens. […]


May 7, 2021

A Spring Family Session at the Smithsonian |Washington, DC Family Photographer

I adore meeting clients for the first time. I love seeing their personalities and watch the family dynamics and how they love each other. I met the Driggs family early Saturday morning at the Smithsonian Gardens. We chose early due to nap times and the heat. It was perfect! There is something lovely about morning […]


July 8, 2020

The Driggs Family |Smithsonian, Gardens DC

We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect morning for their maternity session. We met early to beat the heat and there is always less people in DC the earlier you go out. Both of us were excited we got this session in after the quarantine haircut but before the baby arrives. 🙂 We started […]


June 15, 2020

The Lea Family |Washington, DC Maternity Photographer

The secret moments. The waiting. The wonder of soon meeting your little one.


March 6, 2019

Reese -Spring Maternity Session in DC

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