welcome to my journal

Hi friend! My name is Jessica, I am a newborn and family photographer based in Washington Dc. I find it an absolute honor to photograph you with your little ones. I adore baby toes and that unforgettable newborn smell. 

Meet baby Charlotte. I have never seen so much hair on one tiny baby. She was so petite and beautiful. Her parents were absolutely adoring as they watched her getting her portraits taken. She is one loved little girl. We took all of her portraits in a small corner of their living room. It was […]


February 16, 2022

Winter Newborn Session at Home | Alexandria, VA Newborn Photographer

Little Charlotte was incredible at her session. She was so relaxed and slept almost the entire time. Her big sister Elizabeth wasn’t too fond of her just yet but I have faith that will change and they will become best friends. I started out with her portraits in the nursery by the window-the only patch […]


August 30, 2021

Life-style Newborn Session | Alexandria, Va Newborn Photographer

“You have a place in my heart no-one could ever have.” F. S. Fitzgerald Every time I finish a newborn session I get flooded with how much I love it! The challenge of calming a baby down, the quiet moments between parents and baby, and those little toes.-you know how much I love tiny toes! […]

Newborn, Uncategorized

April 8, 2019

Welcoming Everett | Washington, DC Newborn Photographer

Every photographer has an ideal client. Maybe it’s where you are from, your style, your personality…whatever that may be. I look for one thing after time spent with my clients and that is kindness. If you are kind, if family matters to you, if you take the time to listen to a little child’s needs…then […]


March 18, 2019

The Strahorn Family -Old Town Alexandria Photographer

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